Friday, February 28, 2014

Snack Time

There's no such thing as just "three meals a day" in my world. There's my first meal, a snack, another meal, a couple of more snacks, my "last" meal, and then the things I eat before bed that I don't tell anyone about.

In short, I love food.

So what does a girl snack on that's constantly trying to be "healthy"? Well, bread & olive oil of course! 

I swear I was an Italian mother in another lifetime. Give me a loaf of bread, a pool of high quality olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese & I'll have your first child.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Little Things: Doilies & Rings

The doily might be the cutest thing ever. I have always been drawn to lace & find myself adding it to my wardrobe more often. Ya know what's even better? Adding it to the one thing I hold above all else, one of my favorite things in the world, my version of air and water: COFFEE!

I'm in search of DIY's that involve doilies/lace; I'll let you know how it goes.

P.S. This latte couldn't be more perfect.

I would have to say one of my talents is bargain shopping & one of my bargain items always seems to be rings. A statement ring can make or break a chic look. The obvious spots to hit are Forever21 and H&M but the gems will be found in the local boutiques.

Some of my favories are neutral colored rings or tourqoise. If you're wearing all white or black, they can really pop and make your look effortless.

This find was $3.80 from Forever21 two seasons ago.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Little Things

One of my favorite bloggers, Cupcakes and Cashmere, makes sure to take the time and appreciate her favorite things. It's something I've found myself doing since I was little: when you're still in bed on a rainy day and the rain is all you can hear, the smell of your favorite home cooked meal, using your favorite mug... you get the picture. 

Unfortunately, I rarely catch myself doing this since I've started working. The stress and craziness of the day-to-day has over taken my ability to appreciate the little things. I'm here to change this. 

Here are the little things that put a smile on my face this weekend...

[A made bed. This sight doesn't happen often but when it does... I love it! Not only does it make our bedroom look finished, it makes me feel like I'm getting off to a good start for the day. Also, not sure there's anything better than getting into a made bed after a long day.]

[My new aztec candle adds a splash of color and pattern to our living room. One of the many things I'm obsessed with in the new Threshold collection.]

[80 cal vanilla yogurt with blueberries. I am not good at eating fruit; I'm more of a french fry kind of girl. So I was proud of myself for turning away from the Tostitos chips and throwing this snack together.]

Enjoy the little things & smile.