
All material, writing & editing done by Sammy J


She was worn and she was tired. Her eyes felt heavy and wet. The tears fell over her cheek like rain over velvet. It hit her lips - salty. Her arms hung heavy at her sides. She couldn't move.

His hands were on her now - soft and subtle. They moved slowly from her slender hip up to her face. "What do you want Ella?"

Their eyes were set on each other. The room silent.


Chapter 1

The waves weren't as reckless as they had been the day before. The sun just as bight. Ella moved to the porch just off her bedroom and stretched taking in the beautiful sights. The air was light with spring. Her favorite.

Her home; quaint but just big enough to host her yoga classes off the sunroom and a 70 pound golden retriever, Rex. The house was set just off the beach in a small town near Maine. The kind of small town that one cherished but where you were still dodging your sophomore year hook up as you pass them in the corner store.

Rex wagged his tail impatiently waiting for her morning to get started. "Five more minutes buddy", she patted his head as she stretched into a perfect plank. Her arms were lean and her legs strong. Ella was just short of her mat and had wavy auburn hair. The sun had streaked it with gold around her face. Even after a long winter.

"Alright, alright let's go." Rex raced her to the kitchen and practically sat in his bowl. She fed him and got herself some granola and a banana. "Let's see what we got on tap for today," she reviewed the calendar on her refrigerator that was scribbled over about a hundred times. Complete with post-it's and the attempt at color-coding. "I really need a better system."

Rex was in heaven as the women filed in, petting and kissing him as they went by. Ella's sunroom was just big enough to hold about 15 people per class. All of the colorful mats spread out in front of her and the fresh air blowing in - her haven.

"Shhh! She'll never go for Matt. She hasn't even blinked in the direction of a guy since Luke," Lainey said to McKenna in her attempt to whisper. McKenna rolled her eyes, big deep brown ones that had lashes for days, "That may be true but that doesn't mean things can't change. The girl needs to get some." Lainey giggled in agreement.

"Hi babes, what's so funny?" Ella had walked over to their mats to see what all the fun was about. "Oh, just something Brayden did last night. We grilled and watched a movie. Nothing big. How was your night?" Lainey fibbed but only half way, her and her husband of one year did in fact grill and watch a movie. Lainey hoped her face wouldn't give anything away; Ella hated when her friends worried about her love life. Or lack their of.

"Hm hm, right. Well, my night consisted of laundry and cleaning.


Chapter 2

Ella stared into her closet. And then stared some more, Seriously?" She rolled her eyes in frustration. Every girl has her getting-ready struggles but this wasn't because she couldn't find something she felt comfortable in, she had everything but. "I have 14 pairs of yoga pants, Rex. 14! And not a single skirt. Pathetic." Rex whined and licked her hand.

She grabbed the wine she had been sipping to calm her nerves, "I must have something. I used to be fun..." She crawled and scraped to the back of her closet and pulled out a box. In big black letters it had the word "COLLEGE" scribbled on it.    "Perfect, I wore dresses in college all the time." She felt giddy, something she hadn't felt in ages, and ripped the box open.

She sorted though some clothes, dusty posters, and small framed pictures covered in jewels and glitter. Ella pulled out a black dress and a hot pink skirt. Her and Rex exchanged a look, "How in the world did I ever wear stuff like this?" She checked the tag, yep about two sizes smaller than what she wore now. She grabbed more wine then continued to sift through the past...

Ella stopped immediately.

There he was; Luke Mason. Looking handsome as ever in the small pink frame. He must have only been 19 or 20. His hazel eyes stared back at her. His light brown hair had hints of blonde and he was tan, really tan. She remembered what his skin felt like when it'd been kissed by summer - warm and smooth with a hint of salt. The ache in her chest crept back, an ache she'd worked long and hard to control. She closed her eyes and blocked out the feeling.

"That's it." She chugged the wine and got ready.

McKenna kicked back the rest of her drink, "If Ells is a no show I'm demanding free yoga classes and the secret to however she gets that ass."

The place they chose for drinks was the nicest place in town. It was the place you went to for a steak, martinis and creme broule. It had music that came on at 10pm every Saturday night and was known for turning into a college-like party for adults. This lead to mounds of town gossip. Vodka and dancing; the typical recipe for disaster. But McKenna wasn't taking Ella to some pub to get a damn $6 brew. The girl needed a good hard drink and to get hit on. A lot.

"Oh she'll show. I left Braydon practically jumping for joy because he was able to go to the pub with the guys to watch the game. I mean is it so bad to have a nice meal with me at home and catch up on our shows? Are we getting like those married couples that hibernate and never do fun stuff? I mean, I think we do fun stuff. McKenna? Hello? What is it?" Lainey turned toward where McKenna was staring.

"Holy shit," McKenna hung her mouth open.

Ella walked in. Lainey and McKenna weren't the only ones to notice. She wore a black dress that looked as if it was slowly dripped on - every stitch perfectly in place. It hugged her thighs and thin waistline. Her breasts swelled against the tight knit fabric. It hung low showing cleavage she seldom revealed. It was sleeveless leaving her toned arms free. Her legs had no end. Her lips were plump and glistened pink. Her hair tasseled.

Ella's confidence hung in the air as she scanned the room for her party of two. A beautiful party of two.  She could smell the fresh herbs, steak, and light conversation - being out felt good. The host ladled her eyes over Ella before asking her if she had a reservation. Ella gave her a silent pat on the back knowing all of the energy and pre-dinner wine into getting ready would more than pay it off. "It's okay, I see my friends right there..."

"McKenna, you're drooling." "Damn right I am. Holy shit, Ells! Someone came to the play tonight. Mamma like!"


They were on round the third round of drinks when Lainey's cackle and McKenna's wandering eye began to overtake the conversation. Ella knew McKenna was a lost cause, already checking out the bartender with a deviating stare. McKenna got what she wanted - always. It was the best quality about her and what Ella loves the most. Fearless and endless longing for life, the next thing, the ever-after. McKenna flipped her jet black hair, "His arms are delicious. Ells, do you see those? You want?"

Ella gave a loving eye roll, "I'm making a bathroom stop, any other takers?" The cackling continued, "guess that's a no."

Ella made her way to the back of the restaurant, passing the succulent plates of food and flowing drinks. A hint of garlic hung in the air which she couldn't find any mroe perfect. Yes, it's good to be out. 

She passed a couple who was clearly on their first date as the girl hid behind her nervous laughter and the guy clutched to his draft beer. To her left she found a beautiful couple with matching silver streaked hair. They drank each other in and sat quietly. The hope in age warmed Ella as she continued her walk.

"Ah, a line. Feels like college", she said to herself as she stood behind the three ladies in front of her. It inched quickly and soon enough she was washing her hands and getting herself ready for the inevitable fourth round of drinks.

"Ow!" The pain was immediate. Her right hand flew to her forehead where she was hit and her left stopped the rogue door before it came back around. She needed a minute to recover. God damn, it hurt.

"Shit. Are you okay?" He lunged the separating five feet between them, "Here, here sit down. There's a chair in that corner, come."

She looked up and was hit again with a wall of light cyan blue. He stared back at her face and took in the damage. She couldn't look away; her aching head suddenly stopped throbbing. He grazed the already light purple bruise with his thumb. His knuckles rested on her cheek and the sensation was "Ah, yeah. That'll be nice and pretty tomorrow," she winced.

He sat back on his heels and brushed the hair out of her face, "It already it is."

Her breath hitched and she was suddenly very aware that a beautiful man was staring at her as she hunch in the corner of a crowded restaurant. She knew she had to pull it together. Damnit Ella, speak!

"I think I'm okay now. Thank you for checking. I should get back to my table," He helped her get up and his hand lingered on the small of her back. "Let me walk you over. You know, in case you faint and I have to save the day again." She flashed a wicked a grin as she rose and made her way to the table, "I do believe you're the reason I'll have an apple sized lump on my forehead tomorrow, Sir Day-Saver."


He got a clear view from the back right window. Who is he? Luke's fists were balled so tight his knuckles were white. The lines in his forehead were deep with anger. He saw the man leave the table and wave to her. They don't look like they've known each other long. Good. It's going to stay that way. He took a swig from the small bottle that was housed in his back pocket. The burn in his chest as it went down was bleak at best. He was numb and that's how he liked it. 

Ella stared into her closet. And then stared some more, Seriously?" She rolled her eyes in frustration. Every girl has her getting-ready struggles but this wasn't because she couldn't find something she felt comfortable in, she had everything but. "I have 14 pairs of yoga pants, Rex. 14! And not a single skirt. Pathetic." Rex whined and licked her hand.

She grabbed the wine she had been sipping to calm her nerves, "I must have something. I used to be fun..." She crawled and scraped to the back of her closet and pulled out a box. In big black letters it had the word "COLLEGE" scribbled on it.    "Perfect, I wore dresses in college all the time." She felt giddy, something she hadn't felt in ages, and ripped the box open.

She sorted though some clothes, dusty posters, and small framed pictures covered in jewels and glitter. Ella pulled out a black dress and a hot pink skirt. Her and Rex exchanged a look, "How in the world did I ever wear stuff like this?" She checked the tag, yep about two sizes smaller than what she wore now. She grabbed more wine then continued to sift through the past...

Ella stopped immediately.

There he was; Luke Mason. Looking handsome as ever in the small pink frame. He must have only been 19 or 20. His hazel eyes stared back at her. His light brown hair had hints of blonde and he was tan, really tan. She remembered what his skin felt like when it'd been kissed by summer - warm and smooth with a hint of salt. The ache in her chest crept back, an ache she'd worked long and hard to control. She closed her eyes and blocked out the feeling.

"That's it." She chugged the wine and got ready.

McKenna kicked back the rest of her drink, "If Ells is a no show I'm demanding free yoga classes and the secret to however she gets that ass."

The place they chose for drinks was the nicest place in town. It was the place you went to for a steak, martinis and creme brulee. It had music that came on at 10pm every Saturday night and was known for turning into a college-like party for adults. This lead to mounds of town gossip. Vodka and dancing; the typical recipe for disaster. But McKenna wasn't taking Ella to some pub to get a damn $6 brew. The girl needed a good hard drink and to get hit on. A lot.

"Oh she'll show. I left Braydon practically jumping for joy because he was able to go to the pub with the guys to watch the game. I mean is it so bad to have a nice meal with me at home and catch up on our shows? Are we getting like those married couples that hibernate and never do fun stuff? I mean, I think we do fun stuff. McKenna? Hello? What is it?" Lainey turned toward where McKenna was staring.

"Holy shit," McKenna hung her mouth open.

Ella walked in. Lainey and McKenna weren't the only ones to notice. She wore a black dress that looked as if it was slowly dripped on - every stitch perfectly in place. It hugged her thighs and thin waistline. Her breasts swelled against the tight knit fabric. It hung low showing cleavage she seldom revealed. It was sleeveless leaving her toned arms free. Her legs had no end. Her lips were plump and glistened pink. Her hair tasseled.

Ella's confidence hung in the air as she scanned the room for her party of two. A beautiful party of two.  She could smell the fresh herbs, steak, and light conversation - being out felt good. The host ladled her eyes over Ella before asking her if she had a reservation. Ella gave her a silent pat on the back knowing all of the energy and pre-dinner wine into getting ready would more than pay it off. "It's okay, I see my friends right there..."

"McKenna, you're drooling." "Damn right I am. Holy shit, Ells! Someone came to the play tonight. Mamma like!"


They were on round the third round of drinks when Lainey's cackle and McKenna's wandering eye began to overtake the conversation. Ella knew McKenna was a lost cause, already checking out the bartender with a deviating stare. McKenna got what she wanted - always. It was the best quality about her and what Ella loves the most. Fearless and endless longing for life, the next thing, the ever-after. McKenna flipped her jet black hair, "His arms are delicious. Ells, do you see those? You want?"

Ella gave a loving eye roll, "I'm making a bathroom stop, any other takers?" The cackling continued, "guess that's a no."

Ella made her way to the back of the restaurant, passing the succulent plates of food and flowing drinks. A hint of garlic hung in the air which she couldn't find any more perfect. Yes, it's good to be out. 

She passed a couple who were clearly on their first date as the girl hid behind her nervous laughter and the guy clutched to his draft beer. To her left she found a beautiful couple with matching silver streaked hair. They drank each other in and sat quietly. The hope in age warmed Ella as she continued her walk.

"Ah, a line. Feels like college", she said to herself as she stood behind the three ladies in front of her. It inched quickly and soon enough she was washing her hands and getting herself ready for the inevitable fourth round of drinks.

"Ow!" The pain was immediate. Her right hand flew to her forehead where she was hit and her left stopped the rogue door before it came back around. She needed a minute to recover. God damn, it hurt.

"Shit. Are you okay?" He lunged the separating five feet between them, "Here, here sit down. There's a chair in that corner, come."

She looked up and was hit again with a wall of light cyan blue. He stared back at her face and took in the damage. She couldn't look away; her aching head suddenly stopped throbbing. He grazed the already light purple bruise with his thumb. His knuckles rested on her cheek and the sensation was... "Ah, yeah. That'll be nice and pretty tomorrow," she winced.

He sat back on his heels and brushed the hair out of her face, "It already it is."

Her breath hitched and she was suddenly very aware that a beautiful man was staring at her as she hunch in the corner of a crowded restaurant. She knew she had to pull it together. Damnit Ella, speak!

"I think I'm okay now. Thank you for checking. I should get back to my table," He helped her get up and his hand lingered on the small of her back. "Let me walk you over. You know, in case you faint and I have to save the day again." She flashed a wicked a grin as she rose and made her way to the table, "I do believe you're the reason I'll have an apple sized lump on my forehead tomorrow, Sir Day-Saver."


He got a clear view from the back right window. Who is he? Luke's fists were balled so tight his knuckles were white. The lines in his forehead were deep with anger. He saw the man leave the table and wave to her. They don't look like they've known each other long. Good. It's going to stay that way. He took a swig from the small bottle that was housed in his back pocket. The burn in his chest as it went down was bleak at best. He was numb and that's how he liked it.