
Recipe inspired by: Gimme Some Oven 

What I love about soups and chili is that you can pretty much load them up with whatever you love. It is so easy to make these veggie-packed and meatless if you're trying to be good for the holidays (hahahaha that's a funny thought, right?)

This recipe as is will provide you with at least 6 servings. If you're like me and ALWAYS go for seconds, then I can't promise anything... but it's a life-saver for the week and freezes well.

Curl up, grab the chips and salsa, & enjoy!

What You'll Need
> 6 cups of chicken broth
> 4 cups cooked & shredded chicken (equals about 2 large boneless chicken breasts)
> 2 15 oz. kidney beans (original recipe calls for Great Northern beans but I chose Kidney because they're high in fiber)
> 2 cups salsa verde (I left this out the first time I made it & it was still awesome!)
> 2 tsp. ground cumin
> 1 tsp chili powder
> 1 1/2 cups corn
>1 cup finely chopped onion
> 2 avocados (this is for garnish so choose how much you like & grab some more for the rest of your servings throughout the week)
> sour cream (again, to top with so your call how much!)
> Tostitos - because, we'll they're amazing

What To Do
> Bake chicken, covered, in the oven at 425 for about 30 - 40 mins (I just add some salt and pepper to the chicken before placing in the pan)
> While the chicken is baking, chop your vegetables
> Put the chicken broth, beans, spices, and vegetables in a pot and bring to a boil then turn down the heat to a light simmer while you're waiting for the chicken to be done
> Shred the chicken once it's cooked and add to the pot
> Serve while adding avocado, sour cream, and chips to taste

You'll be full & happy - promise!


The Easiest Football Sunday Pulled Pork Sliders

Original recipe: Crock Pot Girl

I am CONSTANTLY thinking about the weekend. And in the fall the weekend = Football. And Football = Eating. A lot. Which is only my favorite thing to do in the whole world. So when I found this recipe I made it the next day; literally.

This recipe is only a few steps and gives you an excuse to sit on your ass for 10 hours while getting lost in Netflix and STILL consider it "cooking". All hail the crock pot.

What You Need
> At least a 6 quart slow cooker/crock pot
> 4-6 lb Pork Butt (shoulder - with or without bone - with bone is tastier)
> 14 oz. can of beef broth
> 1 medium onion (large if you're an onion lover)
> 2 16 oz. BBQ Sauce of your choice (I did Sweet Baby Ray's Honey) - 1 bottle is used once the pork is one and the 2nd is for serving (everyone asked me if there was more sauce to dip in)

What To Do
1. Wash the pork with water, pat dry, place in the slow cooker
2. Take the onion & cut it into quarters, place over the pork
3. Pour the 14 oz. can of broth over the pork
4. Place the cover on your crock pot & cook for 8-10 hours on Low (if you're in more of a hurry & you've already watched everything on Netflix, you can do 4-6 hours on High.)
5. Remove the pulled pork from the pot - it'll be falling apart and that's a GOOD sign - place in a large bowl and start shredding the pork with two forks
6. Discard bones & grossness
7. Cut up the onion into fine pieces & mix back in with the pork
8. Pour in the first bottle of BBQ sauce, mix & place back in the pot to reheat
9. After about 20 minutes taste - add more BBQ sauce if desired
10. Distribute the pork onto sliders & EAT!

Things I Would Try Next Time
> Only cutting up half the onion & adding back into the pork in step #7 because I'd like to make pickled onions to add to each slider before serving
> Shred carrots & add as a garnish
> Make my own coleslaw & add to each slider or have as a side dish

L E T ' S    G O    G I A N T S !


The More Bruschetta The Betta

I have a personal obsession with garlic & onions so when they're paired with slabs of bread toasted with olive oil, I kind of lose respect for all other appetizers...

Just kidding - Pigs in a Blanket are AWESOME.

The great thing about this recipe is you can change it up to fit your taste as you go. If you're not the biggest basil fan, you can minimize what you add. If you don't want your mouth on sweet, sweet fire from the onions and garlic, you scale back. 

What to Buy: Party of four 

> 8-10 Roma tomatoes (gauge how much your crowd can eat & go with your instinct)
> 5 cloves of garlic
> 1 small white onion
A hefty handful of basil - I add this to taste so use your own judgement
> 1 small lemon
Olive Oil (a yummy, delicious kind if you're down to drop the money)
> Salt/Pepper
> 1 loaf Semolina Bread

    What to do: Bread Crisps

    Have these cook while you're making the bruschetta if you are serving right away. If you aren't serving right away, I'd wait and make these 30 minutes before your dinner party.

    Tip: If you don't have time to make your own crisps, try these. I could eat them as chips. I mean, well, I do.

    > Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F
    > Slice up the Semolina bread - use your judgement on how thick you'd want your cisps to be - I generally do about 1/2 an inch thick
    > Mix some olive oil & parsley in a bowl
    > Then spread a light layter over each side of the bread
    > Place a single layer on a cookie sheet & bake for 6-8 minutes - filp halfway through
    > Let them cool

    What to do: Tomatoe-Garlic-Onion-Goodness

    Tip: This tastes best if allowed time to sit. If you have an evening party then makes this early in the morning and allow all of the ingredients to get happy over the course of the day.

    > Chop and dice up the tomatoes & onions - put in mixing bowl
    > Mince all of the garlic & add to the bowl
    > Add the olive oil, salt & pepper
    > Mix
    > Chop up your handful of basil and add to the mixture
    > Squeeze half of the lemon over the mixture> Mix
    > Taste test & add anything needed for your liking> Cover and place in the bowl in the fridge

    Scoop some heaven on your crisp & EAT!


    Snack Time

    There's no such thing as just "three meals a day" in my world. There's my first meal, a snack, another meal, a couple of more snacks, my "last" meal, and then the things I eat before bed that I don't tell anyone about.

    In short, I love food.

    So what does a girl snack on that's constantly trying to be "healthy"? Well, bread & olive oil of course! 

    swear I was an Italian mother in another lifetime. Give me a loaf of bread, a pool of high quality olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese & I'll have your first child.


    First Crock-Potting Experience - Chicken Noodle Soup

    Life lesson #1: Don’t ever go to the food store on a Sunday. It’s Hell. Literally where the Devil holds all of the crazy, sexually frustrated moms & couples that take up the whole aisle fighting over whether they should get Light or Regular Balsamic Vinaigrette. They’re both going to suck; everyone knows Ranch is the shit.

    So I accepted the fact that misery loves company, took my cart, and entered the flames.

    After playing bumper cars with two bimbos in aisle 2, I grabbed the following:

    2 Medium Carrots
    2 Stalks of Celery
    1 Medium Onion
    2 Cloves of Garlic
    2 14oz cans of Low Sodium Chicken Broth
    1 10 ¾oz can of Fat Free Cream of Chicken Soup
    1 16oz Bag of Egg Noodles (you’ll only use half if you want to buy a smaller bag)
    1lb of Boneless 98% Fat Free Chicken
    ½ tspn black pepper
    And $22 worth of fucking spices: ½ tspn of Thyme, Rosemary, & Sage

    (My mother tells me it’s worth it – need to “build” your spice collection. God, I hope she’s right.)

    At first I couldn’t find the garlic… went to the produce section, figuring it would be by the onions. Immediately got distracted by the Sale sign for Cupcake Red Velvet wines - fucking gold.  I snap out of it and realize I need to actually ask someone where the garlic is (yes, I’m feeling as pathetic as you’re thinking).

    “Oh Miss, it’s near the front. With the popular goods.”

    What the hell? I walk… I turn and quickly find the garlic. Not only do I find the garlic but I discover these “popular goods” -  Tomatoes, garlic, batteries, condoms, and Gatorade. Riiiiight…… only in America.


    The original recipe is slightly different, I do know a few tips to making things healthier. This is shocking, I know. 
    -       Always pick a low sodium broth or soup if you can
    - American Choice brand Egg Noodles have 1.5 grams less fat per serving than most brands
    -       Fat-free: less taste but you feel better about yourself
    -       Most chicken noodle soup recipes will call for thighs or breast with the bone; if you get boneless breasts, way less calories

    You chop the vegetables and mince the garlic. Slice up the chicken, thin one-inch slices. Take your spices and crush them.

    Toss it all in the crock-pot.
    Add cream of chicken soup.
    Add Broth.
    Turn crock-pot on high.
    Mix, cover, sit on your tush for 3 1/2 hours.

    It was very thick the first time I made it. I would add at least a cup of water after you see the consistency once heated.

    Mix intermittently & at about the 3-hour mark, add the noodles. Let them cook for another 30-45 minutes. Taste and let it go another 1/2 or so if the veggies aren't done (they should be really soft when "done")

    Salt to taste then stuff your face.

    This will make about 8-10 servings, aka the only thing I’ll be eating all week. A serving is a generous cup standing tall at only 203 calories, 6 g total fat, 2g carbs, 0 g fiber, 34 g protein (nutrition facts from original recipe, my version is most likely less in calories & definitely less in fat).

    Shout out to my wonderful Mom who gave me the slow cooker this fall – you all need to get one, it’s amazing, the damn thing cooks for you. My beautiful Grandmother gave me the cookbook where the original recipe came from – Better Homes and Gardens. You will be seeing A LOT of recipes from this gem.

     Mom.Grammy.Aunt Jean.Me

    Remember bitches, it’s important to be healthy but you can be skinny when you’re dead.



    Mama's Chili

    I know spring is around the corner but it's never too late to curl up on the couch with a blanket, a good book & a cup of this warm, spicy, healthy home goodness.

    crock pot
    1 1/2 cans of crushed tomatoes
    2 cans of red kidney beans (drained)
    1 can of sweet corn (drained)
    1 medium onion
    1lb of ground turkey (or ground beef if your waist is already teeny tiny)
    2 tbsp of chili powder (this makes a mild chili, if you're a spice lover, up that to 4)
    1 tbsp of cumin
    1tbsp of pepper
    1tsp sugar
    shredded cheddar cheese (the more the better!)
    Salt to taste
    Makes 8-10 servings

    Nutrition facts: Serving size about 1 cup - 300 calories, 31 g carbs, 9 g fiber, 25 g protein, 10 g fat

    Put the tomatoes, kidney beans, corn & spices in the crock pot and turn it on high.

    Chop the onion and put to the side. In a large pan, on medium heat, break up the ground turkey and cook halfway. Toss the onions in the pan, mix, and let it cook until the meat is cooked through and the onions are soft.
    Add the turkey/onions to the sauce.

    Let the yumminess cook for 4 hours while stirring intermittently.

    Grab your book & a glass of wine & chow!

    Remember, be healthy & happy but ... you'll be skinny when you're dead!


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