Thursday, March 13, 2014

The More Bruschetta The Betta

I have a personal obsession with garlic & onions so when they're paired with slabs of bread toasted with olive oil, I kind of lose respect for all other appetizers...

Just kidding - Pigs in a Blanket are AWESOME.

The great thing about this recipe is you can change it up to fit your taste as you go. If you're not the biggest basil fan, you can minimize what you add. If you don't want your mouth on sweet, sweet fire from the onions and garlic, you scale back. 

What to Buy: Party of four 

> 8-10 Roma tomatoes (gauge how much your crowd can eat & go with your instinct)
> 5 cloves of garlic
> 1 small white onion
> A hefty handful of basil - I add this to taste so use your own judgement
> 1 small lemon
> Olive Oil (a yummy, delicious kind if you're down to drop the money)
> Salt/Pepper
> 1 loaf Semolina Bread

What to do: Bread Crisps

Have these cook while you're making the bruschetta if you are serving right away. If you aren't serving right away, I'd wait and make these 30 minutes before your dinner party.

Tip: If you don't have time to make your own crisps, try these. I could eat them as chips. I mean, well, I do.

> Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees F
> Slice up the Semolina bread - use your judgement on how thick you'd want your cisps to be - I generally do about 1/2 an inch thick
> Mix some olive oil & parsley in a bowl
> Then spread a light layter over each side of the bread
> Place a single layer on a cookie sheet & bake for 6-8 minutes - filp halfway through
> Let them cool

What to do: Tomatoe-Garlic-Onion-Goodness

Tip: This tastes best if allowed time to sit. If you have an evening party then makes this early in the morning and allow all of the ingredients to get happy over the course of the day.

> Chop and dice up the tomatoes & onions - put in mixing bowl
> Mince all of the garlic & add to the bowl
> Add the olive oil, salt & pepper
> Mix
> Chop up your handful of basil and add to the mixture
> Squeeze half of the lemon over the mixture> Mix
> Taste test & add anything needed for your liking> Cover and place in the bowl in the fridge

Scoop some heaven on your crisp & EAT!

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