Hate your love handles but hate the treadmill more?
Don't feel like MAKING TIME for the gym?
You love your workout videos but you're traveling and FORGOT the video?
You can't swing the cost of your yoga class this week?
The above excuses have been my life for the past 4 years.
Let's stop the bitching!
I've been doing T25 with my boyfriend for about 4 weeks now. I absolutely love it. It's quick, I can do it at home, and I already see differences in my body. So does he. BUT, I won't always be able to take the DVD and my computer with me when I travel. Or better yet, I won't want to - my boyfriend also needs the DVD and I hate carrying my computer. And hate my eating habits. But that's a different blog post for a different day.
SO. I found something on Pinterest that gave me a set of 5 exercises to do over & over again. I took that & enhanced it with the moves I've learned in T25.
I did the below, my first time, 3x in a row and was completely out of breath and dripping sweat. My next goal is to do it 5x in a row.
You can absolutely do this anywhere; there's no excuse. Do it at your own pace but try to avoid breaks. Make sure your form is on point to avoid injury. Stretch. Have water at-hand. Time yourself so you have a point of reference of how long this takes you & you can set your own goals.
30 Jumping Jacks
Do 5: Push-up position, tap each shoulder w/ the opposite hand (no rocking), do 1 push-up
50 High Knees
7 Burpees
30 Second Plank Hold
10 Squats
15 Mountain Climbers
20 Bicycle Crunches
5 Shoulder Tap Push-Ups (above)
10 Squats (Or Burpees)
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Second Plank Hold on your right side & 15 seconds on your left
1 Minute Wall Sit
5 Shoulder Tap Push-Ups
50 High Knees
You work hard throughout the week at work... make time & work hard for yourself.
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