So today is quite a day. Not because it's a Monday. Not because my boyfriend's cousin got engaged. Not because Nutella's on sale at Stop 'N Shop...
No, this is not a post where I layout all the reasons I feel "old" (and anger half of my readers) or talk about all of the things I want to do before I turn 30. I am just purely freaking out that I'll be 26...
At that pivotal moment when I left my teenage years and entered the realm of my 20's, I like to think that I was realistic when it came to making my birthday list. Now, you might be saying, "Samantha, seriously? A birthday list when you're going to be twenty?!" Fair enough... I should preface that birthdays are a big deal in my family. Always have been. It isn't just a day but a "season". For those that are close to me now may understand why I'm a complete BRAT when it comes to my birthday. I choose to not use the word "diva". I'm more reasonable then a diva; or at least I am in my own head.
So the other day my darling, beautiful mother asked for my "list". I was honestly a bit stunted at first. Why? Because 1) I can't believe it's October (let alone almost Halloween) 2) Hell, summer felt like it lasted five minutes and 3) I hadn't had my coffee yet. So I reread her email and it dawns on me that she is referring to my birthday list. A list made many times. A list that usually gets passed throughout the family (I'm the first born on my mother's side, can't help it). A list I hadn't thought about yet, at all.
So I pondered...
When I was turning 21 all I wanted was a glittery, hand-painted goblet that I could take out and abuse throughout my night at trashy bars. That's it! Just a simple, little 'ole cup. And maybe a crown. And a sash. But that's it.
22 was a great year because the rest of my friends were finally 21 as well. This meant planning a happy hour at a not-so-nice bar where you had to have AT LEAST 30 people attend. THE PRESSURE. Like, who is cool enough for that? If I hadn't been at a college that thrived off bar hopping, I would've been happy-hourless. For sure. The list also included family-friendly items, such as: a Forever21 gift card, a Starbucks gift card (because I didn't know I was a Dunkin' girl yet), new Uggs, money towards my upgrade to get the new iPhone, and/or just straight CASH. So I had money to spend at the happy hours, at Forever21 so I look cute at the happy hours, and making my friends their own goblets and sashes.
23 & 24 sort of blend together. The bar outings are still hot on the to-do list. The bars a tad bit nicer which come with long lines. A long line when you're born in November - the END of November - isn't always the cat's meow. You shiver and wonder why the three 12-year-old-looking-somethings just got in before you. Rude. The pre-game is everything. You start to realize that actually getting to hear what your friends are saying and pee in a warm, clean bathroom is high on the priority list. A late-night dance party is still the best part though.
23 and 24's birthday lists were still full of gift cards but weird things started to happen... places like Banana Republic and J Crew started to become more appealing for everyday wear. (Forever21 is only made for people that are a size 2 for life and don't gain weight from drinking beer, eating free wings, and 3am pizza... WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!) And you KNOW you can't afford that crap on your own. When you received a gift card you PRAYED it was for at least $50 so you could get something more than just a nice t-shirt for work. Maybe something to help pay for the $100 dress pants you've been avoiding. Or the ever versatile "black work dress" (with matching blazer).
The Starbucks and Dunkin' gift cards become actual life savers. It's like the card comes with a flotation device. The few days before you get paid, the ready-to-order egg sandwich is your main meal. You're practically eating with the Barista on her lunch break. Why? Because the super cute, chunky knit sweater was on sale at Banana and you were out of gift cards, duh.
Ah, 25... VEGAS.
Yes. My girlfriends and I went to Vegas. We wanted to celebrate this milestone all together and it couldn't have been more perfect. We've all been working for a bit now so we could afford to splurge on ourselves. The power and maturity that comes with being in control of your own trip was both amazing and oddly frightening. I mean, we were going on trip together. By ourselves. TO VEGAS. You do the math.
My list for 25 was small. My email included things like: work clothes, "things" for the apartment, money to get my hair done, and money for Vegas. Money to get my hair done? Seriously? Yes, I would have rather made sure rent was paid and get my $20 sushi then make sure my hair didn't look mousy. I'm just as horrified as you are, don't worry.
You want to know what I asked for this time? Boots, underwear, and a new glass set of Tupperware. (Glass because plastic is bad for you, of course. And apparently I care about that now...)
That's right folks. Martha Stewart, make room in your craft room because I'm comin' in HOT. Everyone get the blenders and need-a-new-washer/dryer fund ready because 30 is just around the corner...
and I can't wait :)
Getting older is a blessing and a privilege. EMBRACE IT!
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