Friday, April 4, 2014

The Little Things: A City Stroll

Works been...... stressed. That's an appropriate word to use. For now.

I'v been so "stressed" that I decided to start walking to Grand Central a few days a week and it's been doing wonders for me.

Here are some finds on my walk.

[ my favorite building by far, New York Public Library ]

[ because it was an adorable picture opportunity and their sandwiches are bomb ]

[ this struck my eye - super cool store with mineral stones ]

[ destination station - Grand Central Terminal ]

[ destressing in my favorite sweatshirt - Quinnipiac University ]

1 comment:

  1. Love the street sign pic the best! Fun angle! I used to walk from 53 & Park to Penn Station for exercise mainly but it was also great to see the city! I especially loved to walk around on my lunch hour but you need to be more efficient with your browsing. There's no place quite like Manhattan!

    A. Suzy
