Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Easiest Baked Chicken

This is the one of the best, most practical recipes around - and I take ZERO credit for it! 

I was on Pinterest during my lunch hour & came across this recipe. I bought parchment paper later that night & tried it out ... SO GOOD.

My own personal twist includes a butter-sage rub that you add to the chicken prior to baking it. Just following The Kitchn's recipe will be amazing as well and a few less steps.

What You Need
> Whole chicken breasts, not thin sliced (I usually do 3-4 at a time)
> 2 Tbsp of butter
> 2 tbsp of Dry Sage (fresh is always better but not always handy!)
> 1 Tsp of garlic powder (add more if you're a garlic lover)
> Parchment paper
> Baking Dish (my 13 x 9 holds all four chicken breasts while giving them room to breath)
> Salt & Pepper (less than a tsp each)

What You Do
> Preheat oven to 400 degrees F 
> Lightly grease your baking dish
> Set out butter to soften
> Wash chicken & pat dry
> In a small bowl combine butter & garlic powder to create a paste
> Distribute the butter paste evenly over the chicken
> Sprinkle salt & pepper over buttered chicken
> Add sage to each chicken breast
> Place the parchment paper on top of the chicken and press down - you want the parchment to be completely suck to your chicken throughout the baking process. You may want to try and even tuck the parchment under the chicken at the corners.
> Bake for 20 mins & then check the chicken 

*First time I made this, I left it in for 30 minutes because I thought my chicken was on the thick side, it was way over done... I now check it at 20 mins and it's usually done.


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